Presente continuo’s first cohort

The art, science and technology program organized by Bunge y Born Foundation and Williams Foundation, with the participation of Andreani Foundation, announces the scholarship holders who will be part of the 2023 edition.

Over 80 individual and collective applications were submitted by artists, creative artists, technologists and interdisciplinary teams. The organizers selected 35 applications from all country regions.

The scholarship recipients are: Diego Javier Alberti (CABA), Colectivo Agua y Aceite (Daniel Álvarez Olmedo , María Belén Guilian and Guido Villar – CABA), Fabiana María Barreda (Buenos Aires), Sebastián Gonzalo Barros (Tucumán), Andrés Maximiliano Belfanti (Córdoba), Sebastián Bustingorry (Bariloche), Pablo Gastón Chimenti (CABA), Juan Pablo Ferlat and Ariel Wilner (CABA), Lorena Franco (Bariloche), Federico Gloriani (Rosario), María Laura Gómez (Mendoza), Eliana Laura Guzmán (Tandil), Solana Lanchares Vidart (La Pampa), Consuelo López, (CABA), Rodolfo Santiago Marqués (CABA), Bruno Mesz (Buenos Aires), Agustín Miguez, (Santa Fe), Magdalena Molinari (CABA), Gabriela Munguía (Buenos Aires), Fabia Nonino, (CABA), PROTEUS Collective (Laura Olalde, Alejandro D. Nadra, Pablo Esteban Rodríguez. Diego U. Ferreiro, Ignacio Sanchez – CABA), MOHO Collective (Nicolás Onischuk, Agustina Arrarás, Gastón De La Serna – La Pampa), Karen Araceli Palacio Pastor (Córdoba), Laura Palavecino (CABA), Maximiliano Parlagreco (Buenos Aires), Aimé Pastorino (CABA), Tomas Rawski (CABA), Gunset Belén Romero (CABA), Alejandro Sáenz (CABA), Cristián Segura (Buenos Aires), Arena Malena Souto (CABA), Lucía Jazmín Tarela (CABA), Carla Beatriz Tortul (Santa Fe), Micaela Trombini (Santa Fe), Lucas Turturro (CABA).

The applicants selected will participate throughout the year in three workshops and masterclasses delivered by international experts. The first meeting will take place during the week of May, 8 with the participation of artist and researcher Maurice Benayoun; the second meeting will be held in August, featuring Brazilian artist Guto Nóbrega. To close the year, Rafael Lozano Hemmer will visit us in October.