Guto Nóbrega in the media
Main articles about the artist’s visit to Presente Continuo.
The era of “hyperorganisms” in Revista Ñ, by Pablo Díaz Marenghi.
Guto Nóbrega: “Art is not about the object, but about provoking a change in the state of consciousness” in Infobae by Juan Batalla.
Brazilian artist and researcher Guto Nóbrega will lecture on interactivity and nature at El Destape.
Guto Nóbrega will lecture at Presente Continuo in El Litoral.
Brazilian artist and researcher Guto Nóbrega will lecture on interactivity and nature at Infoarte.
Guto Nóbrega will speak about interactivity and nature at Diario Cemba.
Guto Nóbrega: in Buenos Aires, the Brazilian artist, educator and researcher will deliver a public masterclass at La Ciudad, Avellaneda’s newspaper.