Guto Nóbrega in Buenos Aires
In August, the second session with Guto Nóbrega will take place. The artist holds a PhD in Interactive Arts from The Planetary Collegium program, School of Art and Media, Plymouth University, UK (2009). His doctoral thesis, funded by CAPES – BRAZIL, is a transdisciplinary research in the fields of art, science, technology, and nature: he investigates how the confluence of these fields has influenced the creation of new aesthetic experiences. His research focuses on the ideas of interactivity, telematics, field theories, nature, and hyper organisms. He has a postdoc in Art and Technology from PPGAV/UnB (2019). He is an associate professor at the School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; a member of the Visual Arts Graduate Program at UFRJ and UnB, and is the Vice-Dean of the Center for Literature and Arts, UFRJ. He is the founder and coordinator of NANO – Núcleo de Arte e Novos Organismos, a research and artistic creation laboratory. Since 2019, he is a Research Productivity Fellow at CNPq. His works have been showcased in exhibitions and conferences in Brazil and abroad.